Whether you’re just starting out your fiscal year or aiming to close out the year on a high note, looking at your career site and what improvements can be made should always be added to your recruitment marketing checklist. As the emphasis on creating a positive candidate experience continues to grow, our Recruit Rooster team has been busy helping their clients rebrand, refresh and refine their career sites to attract talent relevant to their openings. Check out a few of the rebrands that happened in September:
Philips: Career Site Rebranding
For a company that has a significant presence in all major cities and urban hubs across the world, it’s important for Philips to have a cohesive brand across the board. In September, our team helped them transition their site onto a template that allowed for more flexibility and brand unity. The result? A hero image on the homepage of their career site, easy access to the job search functionality, links to the corporate talent community, an interactive jobs map, recruitment videos and more!
View their career site: https://jobs.philips.com
Hawai’i Pacific Health: Career Site Rebranding
This organization’s mission is clear–to create a healthier Hawaii. To do this, they need to ensure their brand is appropriately positioned to reach and attract top talent ranging from doctors, specialists and other medical staff to back-end operations, business system analysts and more. Last month our team helped Hawai’i Pacific Health rebrand their career site to bring their brand and job opportunities to the forefront. Now with their jobs on the homepage, along with featured employee stories and resources, they can direct candidates quickly and efficiently to apply for their openings.
View their career site: https://hawaiipacifichealth.jobs
Kudos to some of our favorite Roosters as they embark on another successful month of branding, brainstorming and implementation. With all the new ideas hatching for our team of career site experts, we can’t wait to see what’s next! Visit the Recruit Rooster website to learn more about their offerings and reach out to the team to request a demo and see how they can help you with your recruitment marketing needs!